Andrew Hetherington

Actuary working in London, UK. All views are my own.

What is COP27 and why is it in the headlines?

Can we come up with a credible plan for a sustainable future?

Maximum Likelihood Estimation in R

Maximise your likelihood of statistical success with this quick and easy guide

Machine Learning for Neonatal Intensive Care

Informing the most difficult decisions

We Will Not Be Replaced By Machines

This story is about collaboration instead of competition

Continuous Mortality Investigation: Another Year, Another Model Parameter

Greater flexbility — or more opportunities to get it wrong?

Retinal Images are Weirdly Predictive

Keep your eyes open for these developments in deep learning

Anscombe's Quartet, aka The Troll Dataset

Why You Should Always Plot Your Data Before Jumping to Conclusions

Evaluating Classifier Model Performance

Precision, Recall, AUC and more—demystified

Identifying Emerging Market Segments with k-means

How data can help in the aftermath of a pandemic

Machine Learning Basics and the Philosophers of Old

They probably wouldn’t get it either

La Visualisation des Arborescences avec ETE Toolkit (FR)

Ne vous plantez pas — je peux donner un coup de main

Visualising Tree Data with ETE Toolkit (EN)

Leaf it to me to help you branch out

Insight Is Everywhere

Your data contains insight. Yes, yours!

The Ancient Art of Descriptive Data Analysis

It’s a matter of life and death